
Saturday, July 9, 2011

News-in english

I didnt have time to blog in the past few weeks/days..It was as crazy busy, as it can get, not that I didnt enjoy every bit of it! (Okej there were bits I could forget about I guess :P) But thats just life ;)
Most importantly, I passed all my exams (with best marks)! Im an environmental engineer lady!Oh jeah!
I am still working as a nanny until at least March, @ my favourite family in Kville, but soon as I get my papers from home, I will register (Arbedsförmedlingen), and start my job search, because I have a feeling, that it will take some time to find one...Im super excited!!
In the same time scared of course, but its one of those good scary feelings!
So that was about job/study situation
Here in Kville, we had many many guests, friend, family and even my aunt visited me from Norway!Awesome!
Last weekend, grad party in Göteborg, well it was interesting, I liked it! :) get to know some new people, had some fun, broke down some social boundaries! All in good time! =:)
Also I got sick, which was the only not fun part  of it, and I had to realise,that swedish doctors suck even more than Hungarian ones..I mean hungarians are basically super-rude, you feel like a piece of crap when you leave the hospital/walk in centre, but at least you have a clue, what is it that you have.
Here as I see, not even a specialist can define. Oh well, at least I got a nice shot of corticosteroids! (If any1 has a clue still, I have some kind of allergie) Hopefully they will help me build those arm-muscles! =:D So I will be the heavy weight nanny champion, lifting kids, garbage bins, beds, and so on..
So I have to tell you my dear reader(s)- Moni, Emze R U still reading it? =:D that it was a busy but enjoyable time, and I am looking forward to the rest of the summer!! Hopefully I recover soon, and I can really but really start 2 train, and go on with my swedish language studies 2 :)
Good night every1/Natta/Jo ejszakat =:)

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