
Friday, November 30, 2012

Dare to dream big!!

It's snowing,fire is on,I am watching dumb TV shows while resting with my dog daughter after a long tough week @ work!
I have got the job I was applying in June, and I started in November!It's going well, and I have many tasks,and a lot to learn...pretty good kick off of my career.
I will go home to Hungary for Christmas and I'm both looking fwd to it and stressing,
Stress mostly about problems my family is facing at home, and I relly would like to help them.
Well, I will try my best!
My head is usually full of thoughts about work these days, so today when I went for a walk with Mira,I was really glad to get some freedom and fresh air! I was planning to go and train,but I chosen to go fora walk with doggie instead(quite little training with all the work n driving..)
Anders is at the Christmas party, so I got to babysit :)
I will move in to Solbakken 11 officially tomorrow!
(I am almost like living here already anyway..)
I like it here, much closer to buses, and town.
Although I can't wait to get my drivers license..(I am taking lessons now, once a week, I haven't got more time..) I am also planning on buying a car (2hand!not too expensive in case something happens to it..hehe)
I am pretty happy about how much I achieved this year :)

Interesting, I do not count finding a great guy as an achievement, I count it more as luck :)
(Actually it's more like he found me...)

Nice last day of November every1!


1 comment:

  1. Na én is lehet hogy otthon leszek Karàcsonyra!
    Can't wait 2 CU! ölelés!


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